Welcome to Mr Morley Maths
A website designed to help students and parents improve their maths skills and reach their true potential
Students: Need help with your homework? Trying to revise? Want to get ahead and learn something new? Come on in!
Parents/Carers: Want to help your children with their homework? Want to give your children a structured method of revision? Just want to improve your own confidence with maths? This is the place for you!
Teachers: Want to introduce flipped learning to your teaching? Want to encourage independent learning in your students? Welcome!
Who are you?
My aim is to provide video tutorials for every topic you (or your children) may encounter over the course of their Secondary school education, along with jotters to make notes as you watch.
About me...
I have spent more than 10 years working in 11-18 schools in the North East of England. I have taught everything from Year 7 Nurture Group to A Level Further Maths, giving me a breadth of experience of the full range of the content required to succeed in Mathematics.
As an Assistant Head of Maths, I have developed a curriculum which develops from work for students working below expected standard at Key Stage 2 through to Grade 9 GCSE, and I aim to cover all of this on this site.
I have also delivered the TSST (Subject Specialiasm Training) to Primary and Secondary school teachers, with the aim of improving the maths skills of adults to improve their own teaching of the maths curriculum.